10 things Your doctor wants to know If You have an emergency

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A trip to the emergency room can be a extremely harassing and energy draining experience. The wailing of the ambulance siren, the red ambulance lights, the constant rush of doctors and nurses, the tick-tock of the clock that sounds deafening as you wait for your turn to be taken care of – all of these can contribute to an impending feeling of dread and doom. but you do not have to let all emergency room check outs be associated with negative emotions. If you are well-versed in medical related matters or at least those that you must know as a patient, you can have a not-so-threatening emergency room encounter. So what exactly are we talking about? Well as health professionals ourselves, we know that there are 10 things that your er doctor would like to know during your transaction with him. having knowledge of these things could facilitate better interaction between the two of you.

Is the situation really an emergency? remember that the er is the place where any person with a medical condition would be brought to. Life threatening conditions would be prioritized over less complicated ones. Don’t be angered then if after being examined by a triage nurse, you are asked to patiently wait for someone to attend to your needs.

Is this your first time to the ER? believe it or not, there are people who would frequently check out the er – for one reason or another. If you have to check out the er again, it would be a lot more beneficial if you go to the er that you have gone to previously because the people there have your medical record and they may come in helpful during your succeeding visits.

Are you sure about your symptoms? What exactly are you suffering from? It’s crucial for you to be clear about your symptoms for your diagnosis to be accurate too. You can’t be suffering from everything and anything.

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האם יש לך שאלה? What are you normally anxious about when you check out the ER? Is it just the symptoms? Is it the cost? If you are feeling anxious and you have several questions going through your head, your doctor would like to know what they are as they may have relevance to your current situation.

Do you have an emergency file? What’s your medical history? Your doctor would rather that you have an emergency file ready for him to know a lot more details about you. These details include facts like: if you have existing conditions, if you’re taking prescription drugs and if you’ve been admitted to the healthcare facility before. all of these could help your doctor understand your situation more. keep on reading to find a lot more information.

You might be subject to a lot more tests, are you ready for them? Sometimes, laboratory tests and other medical tests might be essential. but individuals have to be ready for them considering that they can be energy sapping. If you are to be checked for anything, your doctor would like to know if you are physically and psychologically as readiness alleviates anxiety associated with being tested.

You need to sign an agreement, are you ready to sign it? If your doctor gives you drugs that are usually illegal but medically allowed, you will have to sign a contract or agreement with him that you will not use the drugs in any way other than their original purpose.

You’re ready to be discharged; can you remember the final instructions given to you? lots of times, doctors may want their individuals to return to the healthcare facility for additionally check-up. They may also prescribe them medication for a certain period in buy to stop symptoms from re-appearing as well as to avoid being unnecessarily admitted to the healthcare facility once more. because of these things, your doctor then would like to know if you have an idea relating to what you’re meant to do after being discharged from the hospital.

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Do you have a health plan or a medical insurance? Of course hospitalization can be quite expensive so any medical professional would like to know if you have insurance or if everything will be out-of-your-pocket.

What does your insurance cover? If you do have insurance, your doctor would want to know what it covers. Is it basic or extensive? how lots of complimentary healthcare facility check outs can you havE כאמור בפוליסות הביטוח שלך? במקרה שיש לך חששות ביטוחיים, אתה תמיד יכול למצוא עובד סוציאלי שיכול לעזור לך למצוא תשובות לדאגות אלה.

מאת מישל ליבמן, M.D למגזין הבלוג של האמהות הבריאות

Michele Libman, M.D. היא אחת מתוך מעט הרופאים בדרום פלורידה המוסמכים בשתי התמחויות: רפואה פנימית ורפואת חירום. היא השיגה את התואר הרפואי שלה מבית הספר לרפואה של הר סיני בניו יורק בשנת 1993. היא סיימה את תושבות הרפואה הפנימית שלה במתקן הבריאות באוניברסיטת טמפל בפילדלפיה, פנסילווניה. ד”ר ליבמן העביר את השכלתה הרפואית על ידי השלמת אחת ממגורי רפואת החירום המובילים במתקן הבריאות של ג’ייקובי ובמרכז הרפואי מונטיפיורי בניו יורק. היא עברה לפלורידה במחוז מרטין בשנת 2000 והתאמנה כרופא בחדר המיון במתקן הבריאות לזכר מרטין ובמרכז הרפואי האזורי של דווד. היא מתגוררת בפאלם סיטי עם בן זוגה רוב, הילד שלה דניאל ושלושת הכלבים שלה ג’ק, קייסי וסטיץ ‘.

אם ברצונך לקבל התראות על טיפים לבריאות, חדשות בריאות, הורות ופוסטים, אנא הירשם באמצעות דוא”ל ועקוב אחרינו בפייסבוק, פינטרסט, בלוגלובין, Google+ וטוויטר.

הירשם לניוזלטר שלנו. שאלות או תגובות? צור קשר

קישור לפוסט זה: 10 דברים שהרופא שלך רוצה לדעת אם יש לך חירום
קשור לשירות בסביבה Covid-19 ובחיסון אוטומטי


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